What Is Gynecomastia? Gynecomastia 101

Gynecomastia (the enlargement of breasts in men) can happen at any age and can have a huge impact on male confidence.

Gynecomastia can have many causes. For some, the condition of overdeveloped or enlarged breasts is the result of hormonal changes, weight gain, or it’s simply hereditary. The condition can be present on both breasts or just one. Other characteristics of gynecomastia are excess localized fat, excess glandular tissue development, and sometimes excess breast skin.

Up to 50% of men in the United States experience some degree of gynecomastia during their lifetime. With gynecomastia surgery, Oakland board-certified cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon Dr. Steven Williams can help you restore a flatter, firmer, and more masculine contoured chest.

Dr. Williams’ male breast reduction surgery technique at Tri Valley Plastic Surgery serving Oakland allows for a short surgery and quick recovery time with great results and minimal scarring. It’s time to feel confident in your skin again.

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Gynecomastia Surgery Procedure What to Expect During Male Breast Reduction Surgery

During your consultation for male breast reduction, Oakland plastic surgeon Dr. Williams will determine your specific surgery plan based on the cause of your enlarged breasts. If your gynecomastia is due to excess fatty tissue, liposuction will be sufficient. Advanced modern techniques allow the use of liposuction for most gynecomastia surgeries.

Dr. Williams will place incisions around the areola or around the armpit area, removing excess fat through a hollow tube and sculpting a new chest contour that fits your body. Breast reduction surgery using liposuction shows great results and few complications. The risks of compromised blood supply, nipple distortion, and areola slough are greatly reduced. In cases where glandular breast tissue or excess skin must be removed, an excision technique may be preferable, where tissue is surgically removed. Puffy nipples can also be addressed using a combination of liposuction and excision techniques.

How Do I Know if Male Breast Reduction Surgery Is Right for Me? Gynecomastia Surgery Eligibility

Are you self-conscious about how your chest looks? Are you avoiding certain activities, such as swimming, because you’re uncomfortable about your appearance? Our provider, Dr. Williams’ approach to gynecomastia surgery offers dramatic results with minimal scarring. If you’re not significantly overweight, you don’t smoke, and are in good general health, you’re a good candidate for male breast reduction surgery.

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Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery Your Male Breast Reduction Aftercare Instructions

You will be able to return to work a few days after surgery. It’s normal to feel sore after the procedure but most men find over-the-counter pain medication to be sufficient. Dressings and bandages will be applied to your incision.

A compression garment is going to make you feel more comfortable and support your new chest contour. A loss of sensation in the treated area is reported by some men but is almost always a temporary side effect. We ask our Oakland gynecomastia surgery patients to refrain from exercise for a few days. More detailed instructions will be given to you during your consultation on how to best care for your incisions and to help you heal optimally.

Gynecomastia Surgery Results What Happens After Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Following male breast reduction surgery, you will immediately see an improvement in the shape and appearance of your chest. However, there will be some swelling post-surgery. For final results, you may have to wait three to six months, depending on how quickly your body recovers. Most of the incision lines are placed strategically with the natural contour lines of your body and will barely be visible. The fat and tissue removal is permanent, but it’s important to continue a healthy lifestyle. Gynecomastia can return after significant weight gain, or through steroid use.

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Schedule Your Gynecomastia Surgery Consultation With Dr. Williams Today Feel Confident in Your Decision

Do you want to feel your most confident self whether you’re in a t-shirt, suit, or simply shirtless? Dr. Williams and his team are happy to answer your questions about gynecomastia surgery. Call to schedule your consultation today.

Gynecomastia FAQs

Will gynecomastia surgery hurt?

What are the risks of male breast reduction?

Will I have scars after gynecomastia surgery?

Is gynecomastia surgery covered by my health insurance?

Will gynecomastia surgery hurt?

During the procedure, you will be under general anesthesia. To manage pain after the surgery, you will be given medication. Tylenol is usually sufficient for most patients.

What are the risks of male breast reduction?

As with any surgery, there are certain risks involved, such as the infection of the incisions, scarring, bleeding, or breast asymmetry.

Will I have scars after gynecomastia surgery?

At our practice in Oakland, male breast reduction surgeries are mostly performed with liposuction, resulting in minimal scarring at the small incision sites for the liposuction tubes. If your breast tissue is firm rather than fatty, the scar will be right under your areola. For nipple reduction, the scar will go all the way around the areola. In any case, our providers ensure the scars will be minimal and go along the natural contour lines of your body.

Is gynecomastia surgery covered by my health insurance?

Male breast reduction surgery is likely not eligible for insurance coverage. Our team recommends you check with your health insurance provider directly.

We are leaders in breast enhancement, body sculpting, and facial cosmetic surgery, serving the entire San Francisco Bay area. Whether you live in the Bay Area or are coming in from out of town, we’re happy to answer any questions you may have on your path to your new self. Schedule an intro call with us today to take the first step towards realizing the look you’ve always wanted for yourself.

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