Introducing CoolTone™; New Technology That Tones, Strengthens & Firms Your Muscles CoolTone effectively tones muscles noninvasively through the use of MMS (Magnetic Muscle Stimulation). This procedure can significantly enhance fitness from regular exercise without progress-stalling downtime. Take your look to the next level with CoolTone at Tri Valley Plastic Surgery ,serving Oakland.

What is CoolTone And How Does It Work?

CoolTone creates muscle definition, increases muscle mass, and reduces fat by triggering non-surgical, magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS). This technology penetrates the muscle layers and induces involuntary muscle contraction while you relax. Our Oakland CoolTone treatments will give you the toned, firm, defined body you have always wanted. In addition to toning muscles, CoolTone also boosts metabolism for up to 36 hours following treatment.

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A New Way to Supplement Your Workout

There are few greater feelings than those when we finally begin to see the results of our fitness efforts. Such progress is usually slow to appear, but when it does, it boosts our confidence and motivates us to continue on our fitness journey. The visual confirmation that our work is paying off can be a powerful tool for continuous improvement.

CoolTone can enhance or expedite results from diet and exercise, boosting your sense of progress and subsequently giving you that extra inspiration to keep pushing forward. Tri Valley Plastic Surgery is the premier provider of CoolTone in Oakland, with an unmatched reputation for excellence in patient care and satisfaction.

What to Expect

An applicator attached to the CoolTone machine will be moved over the treatment area for approximately 30 minutes. This wand will cause muscles to contract without causing any damage to the overlying skin. Once your treatment is complete, you will be able to return to regular activity immediately!



There is absolutely no downtime necessary following CoolTone treatment! In fact, CoolTone can be performed during your lunch break. You may want to refrain from working out treated muscles on the same day as treatment since such muscles may be sore after your treatment.


Most patients notice a difference in the treated area about two weeks after the treatment series. Many patients receive multiple CoolTone sessions, spaced two weeks apart. Because results are cumulative, repeated sessions can continuously improve muscle strength and definition. CoolTone results are best maintained through a healthy diet and regular exercise.

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Who is the best candidate for CoolTone?

The best candidates are those who do not have a high body fat percentage and want a toned and contoured physique

If you already diet and exercise but need some help eliminating bulge in problem areas such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and upper arms, CoolTone will get you tangible, visible results. These treatments can build greater muscle mass in the buttocks for rounded, lifted look, and can define your abdomen - appearing like you've spent hours at the gym!

CoolTone and CoolSculpting

CoolTone and CoolSculpting are both minimally invasive methods that can complement each other perfectly, and provide you with a beautifully sculpted contour in various parts of the body.

While CoolTone most effectively tones and builds muscle, CoolSculpting removes fat from treated areas. Together, this dynamic duo can enhance that lean, toned, natural look you’ve been working for through a healthy diet and exercise.

How long is the CoolTone procedure and what is the downtime?

This non-surgical, non-evasive treatment requires no downtime, and one CoolTone session only lasts 30 minutes; you can do it during your lunch break!

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Tri Valley Plastic Surgery CoolTone

Tri Valley Plastic Surgery offers expert surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic services and has earned a reputation for exceptional patient care and satisfaction. If you would like to learn more about CoolTone, Oakland plastic surgeon Dr. Steven Williams invites you to contact us to schedule your consultation.


CoolTone FAQ

Is CoolTone painful?

How long do CoolTone results last?

Does CoolTone burn fat?

Does CoolTone tighten skin?

What are the side effects of CoolTone?

Who should not receive CoolTone treatment?

Is CoolTone painful?

No. CoolTone causes muscle contractions so patients will feel some tightening of muscles as they’re treated, but treatment is comfortable.

How long do CoolTone results last?

Results from each treatment last approximately three to four months. However, results can be easily maintained or even improved with continued diet and exercise, or consistent CoolTone treatments.

Does CoolTone burn fat?

CoolTone indirectly burns some fat in treated areas by increasing metabolism through muscle activation, but the primary function of this treatment is to tone and strengthen muscles. CoolSculpting, however, can eliminate 20% to 50% of fat in treated areas and may be used in combination with CoolTone to enhance results.

Does CoolTone tighten skin?

CoolTone is not a skin tightening treatment.

What are the side effects of CoolTone?

Side effects of CoolTone may include muscle pain, muscle spasm, local erythema, skin sensitivity, or temporary soreness. These conditions typically appear immediately or soon after treatment and subside within a few days.

Who should not receive CoolTone treatment?

CoolTone should not be used on patients displaying fever or who have such conditions as epilepsy, pregnancy, pulmonary insufficiency, a malignant tumor, or an allergy or sensitivity to latex. It also should not be used over a menstruating uterus, metal or electronic implants, or devices in the treatment area (such as hearing aids, pacemakers, drug pumps, implanted defibrillators, implanted neurotransmitters, or cochlear implants).

We are leaders in breast enhancement, body sculpting, and facial cosmetic surgery, serving the entire San Francisco Bay area. Whether you live in the Bay Area or are coming in from out of town, we’re happy to answer any questions you may have on your path to your new self. Schedule an intro call with us today to take the first step towards realizing the look you’ve always wanted for yourself.

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