We are leaders in breast enhancement, body sculpting, and facial cosmetic surgery, serving the entire San Francisco Bay area. Whether you live in the Bay Area or are coming in from out of town, we’re happy to answer any questions you may have on your path to your new self. Schedule an intro call with us today to take the first step towards realizing the look you’ve always wanted for yourself.
Distorted Face After Jawline Sculptra Injections
I had my first (and last) experience with Sculptra 48 hours ago. Despite my very specific, repeated, clear, request for the plastic surgeon to please only inject just under my cheeks (where I was bothered by the sunken appearance), he injected into my jaw line, around my chin and jowls as well. I specifically said I had no issues with my chin, and only wanted my sunken cheeks filled in. After a series of injections consisting of 2 vials (1 vial each side) I looked in the mirror and was horrified to have the "acorn in my mouth" look. Is there anything that he did wrong, or is it standard practice to inject in the chin or jaw line area as well? My face shape has gone from oval to square, and all I can see is the bottom half of my face looking like I walked out of a dentist office. To make matters worse, the left face appears far more injected the right (very puffy/post-dental Novacaine look), so the assymetry makes it even more noticable than it may have been otherwise. I'm concerned that long after the Sculptra injectionis gone, the new collagen will just replace the same area and will continue to distort the shape of my face completely. How can I get this fixed? Please help.
Sculptura will reduce in profile with time
Thanks for the question. There really isn't any "standard injection" pattern for Sculptura (or any other filler for that matter). The injection areas and volume has to be specifically tailored for each patient's particular facial shape and for each patient's concern. Sculptura will reduce in profile with time. You may be seeing post-injection swelling right now, and will likely have a better idea of your post-injection contour in about a week. The effects of Sculptura itself will fade over the next 6 months to year. Express your concerns to your plastic surgeon. I hope this helps.