Do I Have Tubular / Tuberous Deformity and Can It Be Fixed with Breast Implants?

I'm pretty sure that I have tubular breast deformity. I am 22 years old and I have always been very self-conscious about the way my breasts look. I want to feel beautiful in my own skin and right now I don't even feel comfortable taking my bra off in front of my very supportive long-term boyfriend. I have been considering breast implants for a long time and I would like to know if that would help my condition at all. I've been considering B/C size, saline, submuscular implants.

Tuberous Breasts

Thanks for the question As the other experts have indicated your photos show elements of tuberous breasts (herniating tissue around areola and breast constriction). There are multiple techniques that can be used to address this. Much of what's right for you depends of the look you are trying to achieve. Almost all techniques will require some release of the constricted tissue. I hope this helps!

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