We are leaders in breast enhancement, body sculpting, and facial cosmetic surgery, serving the entire San Francisco Bay area. Whether you live in the Bay Area or are coming in from out of town, we’re happy to answer any questions you may have on your path to your new self. Schedule an intro call with us today to take the first step towards realizing the look you’ve always wanted for yourself.
How Long Does Tummy Tuck procedure Swelling Last?
I had a tummy tuck procedure about 3 weeks ago. How long should I expect the swelling to last?
Abdominoplasty swelling
Swelling after abdominoplasty can be one of several things. Post-operatively things like ruptured suture plications can create bulges in the mid-line. These areas of swelling will not demonstrate a "fluid wave" (essentially being able to tap on one area of the swelling and seeing that tap transmitted through the swollen area... think bowl of jello). This swelling may be permanent and require surgical revision as it represents a bulge of muscle that is no long pulled as tightly as the rest of the muscle. Swelling that has a fluid wave may be a seroma (serous fluid collection) or a hematoma (a collection of blood). These collections can be drained with a needle or left to absorb on their own. Serous collections typically resolve more quickly than hematomas. General swelling in the soft tissue is common in any type of surgery and is caused by the interruption of the lymphatics and inflammation which brings fluid into the surgical area. This swelling is typically more diffuse and may take up to six months to fully resolve. I hope this helps.