We are leaders in breast enhancement, body sculpting, and facial cosmetic surgery, serving the entire San Francisco Bay area. Whether you live in the Bay Area or are coming in from out of town, we’re happy to answer any questions you may have on your path to your new self. Schedule an intro call with us today to take the first step towards realizing the look you’ve always wanted for yourself.

How Many Revision Rhinoplasty procedures is Too Many?
My nose has been operated on three times and I am still unhappy. I have trouble breathing through my nose and I do not like the way it looks. Is it possible for me to have yet another surgery or should I just live with it?
Redo Rhinoplasty
Redo rhinoplasties are extremely challenging. In the cosmetic world they may be one of the most difficult things we do. It is impossible to say without a close examination and history if there are things that can be improved. While a board certified plastic surgeon is always a good place to start, it is reasonable at your third surgery to go to someone with world renown experience. People like Jack Gunter in Texas or Nick Tabbal in NY - there are literally just a handful of kind of "super experts" that you may want to consider. I have spent some time training with Nick Tabbal in Manhattan years ago and have nothing but positive things to say about his re-do rhinos. This is not to say that any plastic surgeon cannot make things better but each subsequent surgery creates more scar tissue, weakens support and vascularity of your nasal structures and can create more problems if you don't get a home run. In my San Francisco practice we routinely see and operate on re-do's but are not above referring out very challenging ones (3rd, 4th, 5th redo). I hope this helps. Steven Williams, MD