Will my Tummy Tuck surgery Scar Disappear Completely?

I have 3 children, one of which I didn't find out I was pregnant with until 6 months into the pregnancy. This caused a lot of stretch marks, so I recently had tummy tuck surgery. The doctor had to make a vertical incision from my lower scar to my belly button. I am only about a week post op, but it already looks like the vertical scar will not be as noticeable as my lower scar. The physician also says that within 6 months it shouldn't be noticeable. Is this possible or is there anything I can do to help with the scar?

Scars are Permanent

Thanks for the question. Scars are permanent. There are some things you can do to improve their healing. First and foremost follow your surgeon's instructions in terms of exercise, wound care, drain care and activity level. Beyond this Scar Guard and Mederma and silicone tape are over the counter treatments that have been clinically shown to make small differences in scar healing. I hope this helps.

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